Dance 439 - 27 March 2016
1:27 p.m., Jean-Aicard avenue, Paris 11th. In the colors of Belgium.
1:27 p.m., Jean-Aicard avenue, Paris 11th. In the colors of Belgium.
12:48 p.m., Paris 14th. Riding on my scooter by Montsouris parc, iI do a little incursion in Nadia and Hakim’s […]
3:34 p.m., Paris 11th. At the end of my class, Raphaël, Marie and Zelda,are rehearsing a chant to be danced […]
4:44 p.m., Paris 7th.
6:33 a.m., Saint-Martin canal, Paris 10e. In the empty canal, the artist Stephan Shankland, creator of the approach HQAC (High […]
6:04 p.m., Saint-Martin St., Paris 4e. En front of the Wallonia-Brussels Center, the flag is pulled down.
0:10 a.m., Périphérique boulevard, at the level of Ivry Quay, Paris 13th. Dancing in front of Solar Wind by Laurent […]
3:42 p.m., Jemmapes Quay, Paris 10th. Morgane, volonteering for the Civil Protection of Paris, is taking care of an ambulance […]
1:36 p.m., Le Regard du Cygne (The Swan’s sight), Paris 20th.
4:27 p.m., Saint-Michel boulevard, Paris 5th. The broom being the same color as my clothes, a dance is required. (and […]
1:33 p.m., République square, Paris 10th. The menifestation against labour law is preparing.
9:49 a.m., du Martroi square, Orléans. Inside Out Project by the artiste JR est en ville. People can exceptionally be […]