Dance 950 - 20 August 2017
6:01 p.m. Cayo Las Brujas, Cuba. to Isabelle***
6:01 p.m. Cayo Las Brujas, Cuba. to Isabelle***
7:36 am, Trinidad, Cuba.
7:34 pm, Trinidad, Cuba. Dancing with the Son Havana Club Band.
4:00 pm, Playa Larga, Cuba.
12/37 pm,, Miramar, Habana, Cuba.
6:43 pm, Malecon, Habana, Cuba.
9:24 am, Roissy Charles de Gaule Airport, Terminal 1. On my way to boarding. A security agent arrives, he watches […]
11:42 p.m., Salvation Army, Cité de Refuge Le Corbusier 1929, Cantagrel street, Paris 13th. Dancing with Hasan called « Nasco […]
14:21 p.m., allée des Brouillards, Paris 18th. Dancing with Jeanne.
10:35 p.m., Jardin des Tuileries, Paris 1rst. It’s closing.
10:45 a.m., Buffon street, Paris 5e. Dancing in the taxidermie hangar of the National Natural History Muséum. In this impressing […]
11:39 a.m., Louise Michel library, rue des Haies, Paris 20th.Dancing with the library team : Sandra, Mélanie, Rémi, Pierre-Marc, Houleye, […]