Dance 1250 - 16 June 2018
3:50 p.m, Saint-Ouen. Dancing during a Corps collectif’s rehrarsal, in creation residency at Mains d’Œuvres forThat’s all Right Mama, a […]
3:50 p.m, Saint-Ouen. Dancing during a Corps collectif’s rehrarsal, in creation residency at Mains d’Œuvres forThat’s all Right Mama, a […]
8:45 p.m, International University Campus, Paris 14th.
6:11 p.m, Université street, Paris 7th. Dancing with Garance, Charlie, Guillaume and Coline.
5:37 p.m, Gentilly. Dancing with Thomas and Matisse while working at the guideline for a show.
9:06 p.m, Gentilly.
8:06 p.m, Valmy quay, Paris 10th. It’s raining continuously.
10:44 a.m, Charletty Stadium, Paris 13th. Dancing for the Ethics and Sports Committee, fighting against abuse and helps the victims. […]
3:16 p.m, Gardens of Guinot, Saint-Ouen. Dancing with Cyrille and Lucas in the frame of this shared garden. In partnership […]
10:31 p.m, Le Cent-Quatre, Paris 19th. « Please ladies ! No no no no, what is this ? »
5:09 p.m, Eugénie Cotton street, Paris 19th. Dancing with three wonders : Pauline, Fanny and Garance who are shooting a […]
3:46 p.m, Daguerre street, Paris 14th. Dancing in Corinne Bonnet’s gallery, during King’s Queer’s live radio show on The […]
8:01 p.m, Cartoucherie, Vincennes Wood, Paris 12th.