Dance 1353 - 27 September 2018
6:54 p.m., Gentilly. Dancing with Lucas.
6:54 p.m., Gentilly. Dancing with Lucas.
1:36 p.m., Charenton street, Paris 12e. – What’s this ? – It’s Art Brut, you cannot understand…. don’t go away […]
5:25 p.m., International University Campus, Paris 14th.
7:27 p.m., Gentilly. Jemmapes quay, Paris 10th. Pete, Antoine and Mike are having a drink by the canal.
7:56 p.m., Gentilly.
6:45 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing before That’s All Right Mama, Autumn Equinox.
10:25 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing with Isabelle, Damien, Stéphanie, Christophe, and Lucas, after the rehearsal of That’s All Right […]
2:04 p.m., Colbert Galery, Paris 2nd. Olivier de Serres DMA art students are drawing architectural patterns.
6:46 p.m., Parodi square, Paris 16th. Dancing at the back of the Romanes Circus, 1 hour before Israel Galván’s dance […]
3:04 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Bernard Bousquet is in residency. Is working on silkscreen series.
8:29 p.m., Valmy Quay, Paris 10th. Dancing with Gaël.
7:22 p.m., Le coq d’or, rue des Rosiers, Saint-Ouen. Dancing with Jeanne, Margaux, Damien and Lucas.