Dance 1437 - 20 December 2018
12:34, p.m., Dancing with Antoine, Marylou et Valentin.
12:34, p.m., Dancing with Antoine, Marylou et Valentin.
6:11, p.m., Abbesses studios, Paris 18th.
1:43, p.m., Paris 14th. Dancing with Cesar at break time.
11:30, p.m., Le Point Éphémère, Paris 10th. At the end of a rehearsal of Le Corps collectif (The Collective Body), […]
9:30, p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing with Isabelle, Christophe, David, Véronique, Gael and Jeanne. The Corps collectif is rehearsing for That’s […]
9:14, p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing At « Show your Frasq », where the audience walks/participates among the live performance artists. Sonia […]
12:41, p.m., Vanves Theater. The technical crew is preparing the stage for Cairn Ensemble’s concert. Video installation: Tadzio
8:37, p.m., Gentilly. There are days that recquire everything. After a day of work, it’s around 5pm, I go out […]
18:13, p.m., Rond-Point de Champs-Élysées, Paris 8th
5:30, p.m. Montsouris Parc, Paris 14th. It’s closure time.
6:05, p.m.Chaillot National Theater, Paris 16th. Dancing with Matisse backstage of Vilar hall, during the rehearsal of the Vigil of […]
4:52, p.m. International University Campus, Paris 14th. Dancing with Morus bombycis, a mulberry-plane tree, from Far East.