Dance 1485 - 6 February 2019
7:03 p.m., Chaillot National Theatre. Today it’s the avant-première of « Une joie secrète » (A Secret Joy), a documentary movie b […]
7:03 p.m., Chaillot National Theatre. Today it’s the avant-première of « Une joie secrète » (A Secret Joy), a documentary movie b […]
8:42 p.m., Gentilly.
9:20 a.m., Boulevard de Clichy, Paris 18th.
12:52 p.m., Bastille Opera, Paris 12e. Dancing with Damien in the set of « The Trojans » an Opera by Hector […]
1:19 p.m., Studio le Regard du Cygne, Paris 20th. Dancing with Justine as Milena sings and plays the piano.
2:16 p.m., General Jean Simon boulevard, Paris 13th. Lavo///matik of Urban Arts.
10:36 p.m., Gentilly.
11:38 a.m., Montsouris Parc, Paris 14th.
7:19 p.m., Paris 8 University, Saint-Denis.Dancing in room A0169 after giving my first class of the term on creative research […]
7:54 p.m., Le Point Éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing with Jeanne.
2:55 p.m., place de la République, Paris 3rd. Climate Action.
12:38 p.m., Charles Nodier street, Paris 18th.