Dance 1497 - 18 February 2019
20h22, Le Point Éphémère, Paris 10e. Le Corps collectif révise dans le couloir avant la répétition du soir.
20h22, Le Point Éphémère, Paris 10e. Le Corps collectif révise dans le couloir avant la répétition du soir.
4:40 pm., Floral Parc, Vincennes Wood. A spring day in the middle of the winter 🙂
6:34 pm., Charenton street, Paris 12th. In the memory of Bruno Ganz in The Wings of Desire. Thank you. I […]
10:11 pm., Gentilly. I have been walking a lilttle in the city at night, looking for a place to dance. […]
9:38 pm., boulevard de la Bastille, Paris 12th.
4:19 pm., Sorbier street, Paris 20th.
7:15 pm., Paris 8 University, Saint-Denis.
8:30 pm., rue des Tournelles, Paris 3rd. Dancing at Radio Campus with Henri Guette, during the show Pièces détachées, at […]
1:50 pm., Place de la République, Paris3rd. The Paris-Bercy-Sport team is getting ready to parade in lion suits for the […]
6:30 pm., Carrousel Garden, Paris 1rst. The day is falling.
5:30 pm., Paris 7th. La Villette, Paris 19th. Dancing with Simon as the wind blows along the walls of the […]
11:35 a.m., Paris 7th. Dancing with Guillaume, Jonas, Carla, Blanche, Sylvain, Victorine, Tara, Benjamin, Joseph, Coline, Antoine, Jeanne, Bruno, Pauline, […]