Danse 1533 - 26 March 2019
6:55 p.m., Paris 8 University, Saint-Denis. I just gave a class on Anna Halprin’s RSVP cycles.
6:55 p.m., Paris 8 University, Saint-Denis. I just gave a class on Anna Halprin’s RSVP cycles.
10:15 p.m., Point éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing with le Corps collectif (Stephanie, Nadia, Isabelle, Jeanne, Christophe, Lucas, Gaël, David and […]
11:25 a.m., Concordia University, Montreal. Dancing with Jeanne.
7:04 a.m., at the corner of Stanley and Sherbrooke st., Montreal. Dancing in the snow at dawn.
10:37 a.m., boulevard Saint-Laurent boulevard, Montreal. Dancing in the Arts section of the newspaper La Presse.
7:20 p.m., Saint-Louis square, Montreal. Dancing at the fall of the day.
19:48, Parmentier avenue, Paris 11th. Dancing at La Générale before « That’s All right Mama » pa ritual live performance by the […]
09:09 p.m., Gentilly. It’s the last winter night.
8:31 p.m., Le Point éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing with Jeanne, Margaux and Lucas before a Corps collectif (Collective Body) rehearsal
5:31 p.m., Livre Paris, Paris 15th. Dancing with Jeanne backstage of the Book Fair. We just gave a dance performance […]
6:11 p.m., Place de la République, Paris 3rd. « March of the Century », protest for climate biodiversity and social justice.
2:14 p.m., PLace du Panthéon, Paris 5Th. Student and School strike for climate. College and faculty students are mobilizing for […]