Dance 1580 - 12 May 2019
6:15 p.m., Menilmontant street, Paris 20th. Artwork : Juan-Pablo de Ayguavives / Art_Azoï
6:15 p.m., Menilmontant street, Paris 20th. Artwork : Juan-Pablo de Ayguavives / Art_Azoï
8:24 p.m., Cité Malasherbes, Paris 9th. With Leila and Theo.
8:26 p.m., Alfortville. Today, the European Union has exceeded its quota of natural resources for the year. And it’s a […]
7:52 p.m., Nevers street, Paris 6th.
1:46 p.m., « The Moon Exhibition », Grand Palais, Paris 8th.
6:00 p.m., Paris 8 University, Saint-Denis. Dancing with Diane, Denzel, Leonor, Adonis, Augustin, and Alicia, bachelor students. We are preparing a […]
7:47 p.m., Point Éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing before the Corps collectif (Collective body) training.
5:57 p.m., Paris 11th. It’s the new moon. Dancing with Jeanne.
6:17 p.m., Dancing with Isabelle in the rainfall. ” The huge metal silos overhang the port of Gennevilliers.For two decades.The Grands […]
5:29 p.m., Georges Pompidou lane, Paris 4th. Dancing with Jeanne and Margaux.
5:00 p.m., Gentilly. Listening to Bartók.
13h43, Montparnasse boulevard, Paris 14th. The May Day demonstration is on the go.