Dance 1702 - 11 September 2019
7:37 p.m., Cours Julien, Marseille. Dancing with Junior and Lotfi.
7:37 p.m., Cours Julien, Marseille. Dancing with Junior and Lotfi.
6:58 a.m., Flanks of Mont Noir, Flanders Mountains. Dancing with Thierry, at dawn in the fields of potatoes.
5:09 p.m., Ballets du Nord Dance School, CCN of Roubaix. Dancing in the showers with Thierry.
9:47 a.m., Arcueil. “Here I am safe. No risk. All deadly pollution is more than 5 meters away. ” The […]
1:56 a.m., room 224, Hotel Continental, Pau.
8:17 p.m., Melies Movie Theater, Pau. Dancing in the screening room during the premiere of A secret Joy coming out this […]
1:28 p.m., Maternity of Kremlin-Bicêtre. Dancing with Florence, Sam and Sasha, born in the world 2 days ago.
2:30 p.m., Matignon, rue de Varenne, Paris 7. The Grenelle of domestic violence brings together community leaders, field actors, police, […]
4:07 p.m., Denfert-Rochereau avenue, Paris 14e. « In France a feminicide every two days ».
11:40 a.m., Les Grands voisins, Paris 14. The old boiler room at Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital will soon be […]
9:15 p.m., Buci street, Paris 6.