Dance 1724 - 23 September 2019
7:24 am, Point Éphémère, Paris 10.
7:24 am, Point Éphémère, Paris 10.
11:52 am, Escurial Movie Theatre,Port-Royal boulevard, Paris 13e. Dancing with Jérome Cassou, director, Jeanne Alechinsky (film team) and Joachim the […]
8:36 am, Public Institution of Mental Health of Flanders, Bailleuil. The EPSM theatre, which has been dormant since 1995, will open […]
18:08 pm, Zwartemolenstraat, Heuvelland, province of West Flanders, Belgium. Dancing with Thierry in a field of Brussels sprouts.
16:21 pm, Ernest Renan street, Malakoff. Dancing with Mohamed
12:07 pm, Henry Gonnard street, Saint-Etienne. Dancing with Pauline in the ancient School of Fine Arts.
10:22 pm, The Melies movie theatre, Saint-Etienne. Dancing at the encounter after the screening of « Une joie secrète » (A Secret […]
8:43 pm, Le Luxy movie theatre, Ivry-sur-Seine. Dancing at the reception desk during the screening of “A Secret Joy”. In […]
10:00 pm, Rue des Canettes, Paris 6. It’s closure time.
6:17 pm, Raspail Boulevard, Paris 6.
2:26 pm, Leffrinckoucke Beach, North, Hauts-de-France. Shared Dance on the beach, with residents and caregivers of the Territorial Hospital Group […]
6:35 p.m., Marseille train station.