Dance 1775 - 23 November 2019
10:33 a.m, Wuppertal, Germany. Dancing in the Schwebebahn, between Alter Markt and Völklinger Strasse. I am at Dancescreen 2019 + […]
10:33 a.m, Wuppertal, Germany. Dancing in the Schwebebahn, between Alter Markt and Völklinger Strasse. I am at Dancescreen 2019 + […]
11:00 p.m, Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse, Wuppertal, Germany. Dancing with Jeanne at the Eiscafe Mandolity, Ice cream shop.
7:03 p.m, Paris 1 University – Sorbonne, Institute of Geography, Saint-Jacques street, Paris 5th. Dancing in the De Martonne Auditorium, […]
5:05 p.m, Tuileries Garden, Paris 1.
7:38 p.m, Place du Palais, Avignon. Dancing with Giulia and Jean.
7:25 p.m, Jemmapes Quay, Paris 10th.
7:31 p.m, Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing with Thomas, Léa, Patricia, Baptiste, Aurore, Cécile, Sophie and Emmanuel.
9:41 p.m, avenue de la République, Gentilly. Dancing with Isabelle.
5:17 p.m, Le Générateur, Gentilly, Dancing with Charles Pennequin, on his birthday.
5:32 p.m, Le Générateur, Gentilly,
4:11 p.m, Alibert street, Paris 10th. Dancing in memory of the victims, in front of the Carillon and Le Petit […]
2:40 p.m, Banks of Saône, Lyon. Dancing with Dominique. At every moment, connect to the river water, the autumn sun, […]