Dance 2198 - 19 January 2021
3:46 p.m. Tolbiac industrial Port, Paris 13. Since this morning, with Jean, we have been working on the administration of […]
3:46 p.m. Tolbiac industrial Port, Paris 13. Since this morning, with Jean, we have been working on the administration of […]
12:31 p.m. Tolbiac industrial Port, Paris 13.
10:24 p.m. Montsouris Parc , Paris 13. ♡ ESSENTIAL ♡ Dancing in front of a Fresco by Kouka. Music : […]
12:31 p.m. Montsouris Parc , Paris 14.
2:12 p.m., Arboretum of the Vallée-aux-Loups, Châtenay-Malabry.
3:51 p.m., Museum of Modern Art, Paris. Today I am starting a 7th year of One Minute of dance a […]
2:17 p.m., Chaillot, National Dance Theatre, Paris 16. Today, It ’s been 6 years that I have been dancing every […]
4:06 p.m., Allée Paris Ivry, Paris 13.
2:18 p.m., Paris 18.
2:54 p.m., Victor Hugo avenue, Bagneux. Fresco : « Extra-Natural 2020 » Miguel Chevalier
4:55 p.m., Victor Hugo avenue, Bagneux. Dancing in the last daylights.
4:01 p.m., Erick Satie Conservatory, Paris 7. But where is the orchestra….