Dance 1556 - 18 April 2019
9:36 p.m., Nave of the Grand Palais, Paris 8th. Dancing in the installation (E) motion Wenders. In the background, excerpts […]
9:36 p.m., Nave of the Grand Palais, Paris 8th. Dancing in the installation (E) motion Wenders. In the background, excerpts […]
2:44 p.m., Moon exhibition, Grand Palais. Dancing with Private Moon (2003-2017) by Leonid Tishkov. In the next room, Bhavana Pradyumna sings […]
6:44 a.m., Quai d’Orléans, Paris 4th. Day breaks on Notre-Dame. The fire is not yet extinguished.
11:55 p.m., Frédéric Sauton street, Paris 5th. Notre-Dame is burning, the news seems unreal, it’s almost unthinkable. There is no […]
6:40 p.m., Ground Control, Paris 12e. One Sunday a month, the Brother Swing Association organizes My Sunday Swing. Dancing during […]
6:02 p.m., Paris.Winston Churchill avenue, Paris 8th. Dancing with the “VBRG”, wheeled armored vehicles of the national Gendarmerie. tase tanks, […]
6:12 p.m., Paris. Dancing out of anesthesia.
6:07 p.m., René Coty avenue, Paris 14th.
7:52 p.m., Closerie des Lilas, Paris 6th. Dancing with David.
7:47 p.m., Paris 8 University. Saint-Denis. Dancing in the A building after a day of teaching.
7:54 p.m., Point Éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing with Jeanne and Damien before the Corps collectif ( Collective Body) session.
5:17 p.m., Gentilly Biennale. 1200 m2 of the ancient Pierre-Curie college have been invested by artists. Dancing in an installation […]