Dance 1118 - 4 February 2018
3:43 p.m., Porte Doree Palace, Paris 12th. Dancing with « …Into happiness », a sculpture by Diadji Diop (2009).
3:43 p.m., Porte Doree Palace, Paris 12th. Dancing with « …Into happiness », a sculpture by Diadji Diop (2009).
7:00 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing during the last minutes of Uriel Barthélémy’s installation : « The Eyes of the […]
3:29 p.m., Tropical Agronomy Gardin, Paris 12th. As many others pavilions on the site, the Pavilion of Tunisia is abandoned […]
10:31 p.m., Les Grands Voisins ( The Great Neighbors), Paris 14th.
8:29 p.m., Feeling better. Flu Dance#8
10:48 p.m., Flu Dance#7
7:09 p.m., Flu Dance#6
4:45 p.m., Stil stick. Flu Dance#5
4:45 p.m., A little better. Flu Dance#4.
2:58 p.m., Even worse. Flu Dance#3.
1:44 p.m., It’s worse than yesterday. Flu Dance#2
12:21 p.m., I’m sick, I have flu, Bounty is sick too, but it’s a lot more serious.