Dance 610 - 14 September 2016
10:10 a.m., quai de Jemmapes, Paris 10th. After talking for an hour with a few refugees and exiles, men, woman […]
10:10 a.m., quai de Jemmapes, Paris 10th. After talking for an hour with a few refugees and exiles, men, woman […]
12:07 p.m., Arts Education Office, Paris 3. dancing in the administration’s corridor, with Patrick André, director of Paris Fine Arts […]
9:13 a.m., National Archives, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine. Dancing on the pavement-letters at the enfance, conceived by Ruedi Baur.
1:10 p.m., rue Crémieux, Paris 12th.
0:34 a.m., Cour Napoléon, Louvre Mudéum.The security service has just evacuated the place for the night. It’s time for dancing.
2:29 p.m., rue des Martyrs, Paris 18th. Dancing inc front of L’Objet qui parle (The Object which speaks) . Today […]
1:49 p.m., des Haies street, Paris 20th. Le jardin sur le toit (Roof Garden) is an associative and solidary garden […]
3:09 p.m., Le Zimmer, Place du Châtelet, Paris 1rst.
2:39 p.m., Villa des Arts, rue Hégésippe-Moreau, Paris 18e. Wonder Woman – Woman Condition Superheroine (Sophie Cusset) is in the […]
3:36 p.m., Hall of the National Archives, Paris 3rd.
6:37 a.m., Gentilly. The day is rising. The rain has stopped.
1:00 p.m., square Ozanam, Paris 6e. At lunch time, I sit by four students from a science preparatory class at […]