Dance 3293 - 25 January 2024
10:05 P.M., Saint-Sauveur-en-Puysaye, Yonne. Dancing with Diva, David, Isabelle and Lucas.
10:05 P.M., Saint-Sauveur-en-Puysaye, Yonne. Dancing with Diva, David, Isabelle and Lucas.
9:55 p.m., Paris 14. Le Corps collectif. ( The collective Body)
3:32 p.m., Saint-Michel-de-Boulogne, Ardèche. Dancing with Le Corps collectif ( The Collective Body).
6:20 pm, Vincennes. Dancing with Le Corps collectif ( The Collective Body)
3:19 p.m., Bourdelle Museum, Paris 15th. Dancing with the Corps collectif at the feet of the “Mourant Centaur”, Antoine Bourdelle, […]
7:53 p.m., Paris Plages, promenade Florence Artaud. Dancing with the Corps collectif (Collective Body.)
3:16 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. It’s the spring equinox, Dionysus returns to Earth.The collective body is preparing for a celebratory […]
9:44 p.m., Rue Sarrette, Paris 14. Dancing with Jeanne, Isabelle, Stéphanie, Christophe and Lucas, at the end of a « Corps […]
8:43 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. The Corps collectif is rehearsing for a performance that won’t be on.
7:22, p.m., Le Générateur, le Corps collectif is rehearsing.
11:34 p.m., Fontainebleau forest, Dancing for fall. With the Corps collectif (Collective Body).
9:22 a.m., Fontainebleau Forest, dancing o celebrate the summer solstice and the new moon, during the eclipse of the sun. […]
22:30 p.m., Le Point Éphémère, Paris 10. Dancing with Le Corps Collectif (The Collective Body) after two months of thinking […]
8:31 p.m., Malaval, Ardèche. Dancing with the Corps collectif (Collective Body) at sunset.
7:50p.m., Point Ephemere. Le Corps collectif (Collective Body) is about to start its weekly session.