Dance 3640 - 31 December 2024
9:35 p.m.,rue de l’Abreuvoir, Montmartre, Paris 18. Dancing with Margaux and Lucas.
9:35 p.m.,rue de l’Abreuvoir, Montmartre, Paris 18. Dancing with Margaux and Lucas.
12:38 p.m., Passage des Abbesses, Paris 18.
7:00 p.m., Rue Berthe, Paris 18th. A dance with Gregor, Sophie, Géraldine, Jean, Lucas and Chloé, for Jean’s 30th birthday.
7:36 p.m., rue Georgette-Agutte, Paris 18.
10:59 p.m., rue Violet le Duc, Paris 18.
9:52 p.m., boulevard de Clichy, Paris 18e.
9:20 a.m., rue Germain Pilon, Paris 18.
4:35 p.m., Boulevard de Rochechouart, Paris 18th. Tati, the legendary Barbès store did not survive the pandemic. It closed its […]
9:15 a.m., rue Ravignan, Montmartre, Paris 18.
5:00 p.m., Flandre avenue, Paris 19th. Dancing with Fanny and Julie-Anne.
09:48 a.m., Rue Veron, Paris 18e. Dancing with Geneviève andTanguy.
7:02 p.m., rue Robert Planquette, Paris 18th. Dancing while going to see “Contemporary Dance” by Hofesh Shechter, at the Abbesses. […]
07:30 p.m , Porte de Saint-Ouen. Carpe Diem. Street Art : Toqué Frères
3:03 p.m., Rue Hégésippe-Moreau, Paris 18th. Dancing with Marius. Music: Soul Vaccination – Tower of power
9:57 p.m., Place des Abbesses, Paris 18th. Dancing with Pauline, Gaël and Lucas. In the background : a kiss.