Danse 2838 - 21 October 2022
3:25 p.m., Paris 7.
3:25 p.m., Paris 7.
5.39 p.m., La Flèche Theatre, Paris 11. Dancing with Lucas.
05:58 p.m., avenue de Saint-Mande, Paris 12. Music: Congi
3:32 p.m., Paris 7th. Dancing with Benjamin, Maxime, Matthieu, Pasiphaé and Émilie.
9:26 p.m., Le Havre Music : Jean Sibelius, Op;26,. N°7.
3:01 p.m., Chaillot, National Dance Theatre. The large foyer has been empty for several months.
11:11 a.m., Pierre Garage, Arcueil. Day 55, last day of confinement. In his extraordinary garage, Pierre welcomes me again for […]
7:39 p.m., Point Éphémère, Paris 10.
11:00 p.m, Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse, Wuppertal, Germany. Dancing with Jeanne at the Eiscafe Mandolity, Ice cream shop.
3:19 p.m, Erik Satie conservatoire, Paris 7e. Dancing in room 43.
8:20 p.m., Point éphémère, Paris 10e. Dancing with Margaux and Lucas.
8:24 p.m., Saint-Mandé avenue, Paris 12th.
11:55 a.m., Paris 8th.The Théâtre de la Ville is hosted at the Espace Cardin during the renovation work. The bar’s […]
11:43 a.m., Montsouris Parc, Pars 14th.
4:18 p.m, Petit Salon, Town Hall, Paris 7th.